Benefits of Buttocks Augmentation for Gender Affirmation

Buttocks Augmentation Gender affirmation care is often much wider than most would think. Gender-affirming care can include things like facial plastic surgery, speech therapy, breast augmentation, genital reconstruction, hormone treatments, and so much more. With so many different treatments out there related to gender affirmation, it can be easy to skip over ones that could be valuable to your process. Buttocks augmentation is the surgical enhancement of the buttocks through fat transfers or implants. While many have considered buttocks augmentation, some people may still be on the fence and wonder if it’s right for them. Let’s explore the benefits of buttocks augmentation for gender affirmation.

Feminine Figure

The “S-curve” figure is commonly associated with femininity. Males assigned at birth naturally carry fat differently than females assigned at birth. This means that, in general, a man will often have a more flat and “boxy” backside compared to a woman. Buttocks augmentation can make the buttocks larger and rounder and provide a pleasing hip to shoulder ratio. Buttocks augmentation provides a more feminine figure and can be an essential part of someone’s gender affirmation journey.

Better Fitting Clothes

Clothes can be a challenge while going through a transition. Feminine clothes are often designed to fit females assigned at birth, and it can be difficult to find clothes that fit properly. Buttocks augmentation is a great way to help bottom pieces fit more naturally and help you enjoy clothes shopping without added stress.

Ditch the Shapewear

As mentioned above, there are many reasons why someone would want to fill out their buttocks area during their transition. That’s why many people choose to use shapewear or padding to provide gender affirmation. Shapewear and padding are a great way to feel better day-to-day, but they can be hot after a while, uncomfortable under clothes, and expensive for high-quality products. Buttock augmentation allows you to ditch the shapewear and padding for your lower body for constant gender affirmation.

Seeking Care

Finding a professional practice that you feel comfortable trusting with your gender affirmation surgeries can be stressful. That’s why at Del Rey Face, we provide a welcoming practice comprised of leaders in facial feminization and expertise in their fields. We understand that everyone’s transitional journey looks different and provide a wide range of treatments to help get you closer to your goals. If you’re considering buttocks augmentation, contact Del Rey Face at 310-823-4444 today.


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