How Del Rey Face Separates Itself From the Rest in Feminization Surgery

feminization surgery Gender-affirming surgeries are part of an incredibly personal journey. Who you choose to bring along on that journey should be done with consideration.

At Del Rey Face, we have years of experience working with transgender and nonbinary people. What separates us is not just decades of combined experience, industry-leading specialists, or compassionate care that meets you where you are. At Del Rey Face, we utilize the most advanced technology to bring you the care you deserve at the furthest frontiers of medical advances.

To better understand what you can expect when working with Del Rey Face, let’s look at some of the technology we employ.

Revolutionary Technology at Del Rey Face

During gender-affirming care, you may opt for facial feminization surgery. This can be a series of operations that can reshape the forehead, jawline, nose, and even address the Adam’s apple.

Sometimes, you may need to utilize pins as part of the reconstruction process. In other facilities, you may be forced to utilize permanent pins, leading to jaw issues such as TMJ or diffuse pain and discomfort.

At Del Rey Face, we utilize SonicWeld, a cutting-edge technique that sets the bones through pins that eventually disappear, being undetectable by CT scans and X-rays.

How Del Rey Face Plans for Your Surgery

We utilize every tool to ensure your care is carefully planned and carried out.

Augmented reality, stereotactic imaging, which utilizes multiple X-rays to create a more complex and clear picture, virtual surgery planning, and 3D printing to create detailed anatomical models are just a few of the methods we incorporate in our practice to ensure efficient and precise surgeries.

Through the use of these tools and technologies, our principal goal is to give you the best care possible to minimize scarring, maximize recovery, and grant you an understanding of your procedures at every stage.

Choose Del Rey Face to Receive the Best in Feminization Surgery

Gender-affirming care should be when the people you entrust with your journey offer you the best they can do.

At Del Rey Face, our team includes board-certified physicians who are leaders in their field, publishing and presenting numerous scientific advances on national and international levels.

Despite their achievements and acclaim, our team always prioritizes you and your care. We are proud to blend our depth of knowledge and experience with some of the most advanced technology utilized in gender-affirming care.

If you’re considering feminization surgery, call us at 310-823-4444 today for a consultation.


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