Understanding Body Sculpting for Transgender and Nonbinary People

Young,Beautiful,Woman,With,Perfect,Body,In,Underwear,Posing,Over Body sculpting procedures are among the most common in cosmetic surgery, but they have a different approach and goal when it comes to treating transgender and nonbinary clients. At Del Rey Face, we specialize in gender-confirming surgeries that support gender reassignment and identity affirmation.

Part of our extensive services include world-class body sculpting, which helps you feel more like you in your body. Here’s how our approach works when treating patients who identify as transgender or nonbinary and why working with a surgeon who understands these key differences is crucial to getting the best results.

There Is No Ideal Body Type, Just Your Ideal Body

In many cisgender-focused plastic surgery offices, there are ideal images of what a man or woman should look like advertised extensively. While many find these aesthetics desirable, they can create a very limited view that doesn’t embrace the full spectrum of gender expression.

Your body is beautiful, and it deserves to be celebrated as you move one step closer to looking like your ideal self. That can come through body sculpting, but these treatments have to be tailored to your anatomy and desired physique.

Why Biological Sex Matters in Body Sculpting

Men and women carry weight and muscle differently on their bodies; this directly affects how they gain and store weight, how their bodies bulk up when they strength train, and how muscle development will appear. Why does this matter in body sculpting? It affects how certain treatments must be performed to achieve a patient’s preferred look.

Even transgender men and women who take estrogen or testosterone will still have fundamental structural differences their surgeon could account for when planning a procedure.

For nonbinary patients, it is important that you work with a surgeon who takes factors like fat distribution and muscle mass into account when helping you achieve your desired results.

Learn More From the Experts at Del Rey Face

Schedule a consultation today with one of our experienced, empathetic plastic surgeons. We are always here to answer your questions and help match you with treatments that will allow you to look and feel fantastic.

Please request an appointment online, or call our Marina Del Rey, CA, plastic surgery office at 310-823-4444.


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