What Are My Choices for Facial Feminization?

brunette woman with shining wet make up and shiny moist long hair hairdo Softening male facial features (or removing them completely) can make a dramatic difference to how you look – and there are quite a few ways to do this. Here are just a few of the choices you have that can reduce your male features and highlight your feminine ones.

What Would You Like To Change?

Because there are many facial procedures to choose from, the first step is to meet with the surgical team at Del Rey Face to determine exactly what you hope to achieve with the facial feminization process. Your plan for facial feminization surgery (FFS) will probably not look like anyone else’s, and it might include work on one or more of the following:

  • The forehead. The size of the forehead can be reduced and the forehead contoured for a more feminine looking brow, hairline, and forehead area. This may be done by removing part of the bone just above the brows and reshaping the forehead.
  • The cheeks. Implants made from silicone or fat from the patient’s own body may be used to help make the cheekbones look higher.
  • The nose. A nose job (also known as “rhinoplasty”) can reduce the width of the nose and reshape the bone. The tip of the nose and the bridge can also be reshaped for a more feminine look.
  • The jawline. Layers of bone can be shaved away to make the jaw look smaller, while also reducing any sharp angles.
  • The chin. Like the jaw, the chin is typically wider and more square on men than on women. The size of the chin can be reduced, and the chin can be shaped to look more pointed or to give it a more oval shape.
  • The lips. Women’s lips are usually larger than men’s are, and they are closer to the nose. The top lip can be raised surgically, and fat injections or fillers can be used to give the lips volume.

As you can see, you have many different options if you are considering FFS facial feminization surgery in Los Angeles. The staff at Del Rey Face has the experience to help you decide what procedure(s) would be best for you. Call the office in Marina Del Rey, California, at 310-823-4444 today for a consultation.


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